Let’s Talk:
What are you looking for in your life? How will removing stresses in your life make a difference for you? What would it be like to live with calm throughout your day? I’d love to hear from you. Together we can figure out a best approach for bringing calm, freedom, and choice more fully into your life. Email me so we can find a time for a visit. (lars (at) onewheel.org)
The Book and the Workbook:
A great way to learn the ICE Method and start bringing calm into your life. You’ll learn the method and see how it has worked through the many stories and experiences shared in Memory Reconsolidation Applied. The process is explained so you’ll envision exactly what’s going in your brain and body as you use The ICE Method. The ICE Method Workbook offers you a step-by-step process you can follow to bring calm to many aspects of your life. The Workbook takes you through specific issues all the way to ICE’ing the most basic patterns and experiences of your life, what I call your “Download.” A 30-day journal is included so you can keep track of the changes and improvements in your life.
Memory Reconsolidation Applied: available at Amazon $20
The ICE Method Workbook and Journal: Available at Amazon $18
The 45-minute Introduction: $90
The initial choice for either of these two reasons
- You’ve got a single specific issue you want to address – a current stress, a stored upset, or a future anxiety. The question to ask here? How would my life be different if I wasn’t reacting to this issue, if I wasn’t spending energy on this issue?
- You want a session together to experience ICE and explore the benefit of deeper work. The question to ask here? What would be the difference in my life with calm as my default. You’ll experience this calm during your session and together we’ll explore best options for you to make ICE your own.
One Month Calm Breakthrough: $750
Have you become aware of the big difference it makes to STOP living reactively and START living from calm? Do you see that your performance rises while your stress decreases. Do you see the health benefits of turning off your stress response and keeping it off? If so, what’s next is the process for transforming your life from reactivity to calm. The Breakthrough package gives you the following:
- Bring calm all the way back in your life to remove any activated stresses you have about life, from birth to death
- Bring calm to specific issues that currently activate your stress: relationship issues, work issues, identity issues
- Become skilled at using ICE on a realtime basis as you face your daily issues.
What you’ll receive
- Two “specific issue sessions” to address the most important current issues causing you reactivity
- Two extended “ICE The Download sessions” to reconsolidate the core reactive patterns that formed in your earliest years.
- 4 “emergency” calls to help integrate The ICE Method with issues in the moments of your daily life.
- Unlimited email support.
Three Month Calm to the Core Lifestyle Transformation $2000
You’ve experienced calm and you’re not going back.
- This package provides you the coaching, the practice, and the support for you to develop the habits and the muscle of living from calm.
- You’ll take The ICE Method to the deepest levels of your life – your family history and your earliest years.
- You’ll bring ICE Method calm to perceived limitations as well as to your goals and hopes. And in the Lifestyle Transformation you’ll get the ultimate benefit of ICE – the awareness of your connection to your deepest sense of source. From a place of non-reactivity, the awareness of source arises naturally.
- From this place, we recognize that everyone else is also connected to source – its a natural sense that arises in the presence of deepest calm. From this awareness comes the true freedom to live from love and compassion.
What you’ll receive
- Month One – Weekly ICE Method Sessions
- Month Two and Three – Every other week ICE Method Sessions
- Twice Weekly Progress Check in Calls
- Six special situation calls
- Unlimited email support.
ICE Method Calm Maintenance Program: $200/month
Want ongoing support after you complete the Breakthrough or the Transformation experience? If you desire the highest performance in your life, make sure you have access to ICE Method results all the time.
- Two special situation calls each month
- unlimited email support