Evolve Your Brain - by Joseph Dispenza

Evolve Your Brain - by Joseph Dispenza

Here’s another book report!  EVOLVE YOUR BRAIN, by Joseph Dispenza

I am reading all these brain books in search of how EFT works, and I got a big clue from EVOLVE YOUR BRAIN.  It turns out that the cells of our body adapt over time to whatever baseline of chemicals are being produced from our emtions.  Every time we have a thought, we have an emotion about that thought.  Every emotion produces peptide chemicals that then distribute through the body.  If we try to change our emotional state, (for instance from depressed to energized)  then the chemicals that the brain produces are different, and the chemicals around the cells are different. Cells do not like these changes in levels. Cells have one goal  in this regard – to maintain homeostasis.  Whatever the baseline chemistry is, keep that going.  If its a stress chemistry, or a fear chemistry, or whatever, the cell wants to keep that going if its become used to it.  Dispenza actually uses the word addiction in describing this behavior of the cell.

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