For the last number of sessions, I’ve been tapping without tapping! The reading of the past half year is beginning to morph my healing technique. For all these past months, I have been asking two questions:
- How does EFT work?
- What’s the simplest approach to helping people heal.
It appears to me that EFT, and any other healing modality, shows up as successful once emotional peptides have been altered to allow the cells of the mind and body to function differently.
- Candace Pert, from an earlier blog post, shows how emotions impact the creation of corresponding peptides, and she shows how these peptides become the instructions for the function of the cells of our body.
- Joseph LeDoux, from an earlier blogpost, shows how memory reconsolidation allows us to take the debilitating emotional edge off memories and replace the emotions with more peaceful peptides.
- Frank Kinslow, again from an earlier blogpost, shows how with a simple technique of paying attention to our thoughts, we can observe them slowing down until we reach a blank state of nothingness where the emotions are calm and peace. These peptides become the resource peptides when traumatic memories are transformed.
I’ve put all this together for the past month of so and it feels like its an even more direct approach than EFT. In fact, I think I understand that the effectiveness of EFT is related to how closely a person helps another to experience this peptide replacement activity.
A few days ago, I gave this process a tentative name, The ICE method.
- I is for Identify, a person identifies the issue they want to deal with and also any surrounding emotions, memories, or bodily sensations that arise in the presence of the issue.
- C is for calm, or chill. Using Frank Kinslow’s method of having a person be aware of their thoughts and opening up a calm space, a person creates a new set of peptides that will be exchanged for the old ones in step three.
- E is for exchange. In this back and forth process, inspired by tapping rounds and checking in, a person simply shifts back and forth between step one, the issue, and step two, the calm state. In this shifting back and forth, the calm space grows until the issue is finally encountered head on, but the person experiences only calm, even as they consider any and all aspects of the issue that was such a big deal at the start of the process.
In doing this ICE process, I am observing more rapid results than when I used EFT. I am also hearing from people that they like it better to do this process without doing any tapping. It’s easier to learn than tapping, adn it can become a state of near-constant awareness, rather than creating special moments to tap whenever an issue arises. With practice, the calm state can become the default state for a person, and it makes it much easier to deal with challengine emotions when they do show up and take a person out of their calm state. The road back to peace is always easier when the default is peace.
Here’s a video you can watch to see results for a back where seven of the vertebrae are bone on bone.
A report after Jerrine’s First Session
A report after Jerrine’s Second Session
August 19, 2012