Newsletter from May 5
If I’d known this as a kid!Hi again, I wish I’d known how to help people this way when I was a pastor. I did the best counseling I could but most people never calmed the stored emotions that caused their stress. |
A recent find:After all those years without this tool, I feel so thiankful I now have The ICE Method. Now there’s a tool that brings repeatable relief to stored emotional upsets. It’s so simple. It’s also solidly rooted in the science of how the brain works. Watch this video and you might bring relief to an issue of your own just by watching Brenda’s experience Book Testimonial:“Just after getting a college volleyball scholarship, I tore my ACL and meniscus. I used The ICE Method to calm my fears about my injury and my worries about the future of my volleyball career. I’m staying calm throughout the recovery and I feel it’s helping my body to recover more quickly.” Book Publication:.It looks like we’re on schedule for the book release on May 25th! Next week I’m going to share a core piece of the book with you. It’s about being clear about what you really want. Combine your desire with a powerful technique like The ICE Method, and you’ll see lots of results like Brenda’s. For this week – here’s the cover of the book. |
Last chance to answer the survey – thanks to everyone who already helped me improve how I share The ICE Method. Answer The Survey Question |