Newsletter from April 28.

Almost Ready With the New Book!

I have come VERY close to finishing MEMORY RECONSOLIDATION APPLIED, and now I have a quick favor to ask of you. First let me tell you about the book.

With all the writing and editing I’ve put these newsletters on hold. Nice to get back now and let you know: The release date is set for May 25.

This book will be entirely focused on how The ICE Method can give you a healthier, calmer, more fulfilling life. The subtitle tells the story: CALM YOUR PAST TO LIVE YOUR FUTURE.

I’ve included many stories in this book from the more than 200 people I’ve worked with these past three years.While I was writing the book, I even helped a woman ICE her fear of slugs! That one didn’t make the book, because teh book already has spiders and rattlesnakes!

I want to help as many people as possible with The ICE Method. Will you answer one question to help me help more people?

If you’ve already used The ICE Method
please tell me what first inspired you to try it.


If you have not already tried The ICE Method
please tell me what you need answered before you’d give it a try.

Thanks for helping out!

Answer The Survey Question

Calm Wishes,

Winthrop Seminar Thumb2

Something you can use right now.

Click here to view this PDF. Page One is a quick sheet for doing The ICE Method. Page Two shows what makes Memory Reconsolidation different from most brain change techniques.