New Book! New Chickens!

Lots happened in the year since my last newsletter.  I became a chicken farmer for one thing.  And I wrote my sixth book – which is releasing right now, this week. 

The River of Life:

Spiritual Enlightenment and Memory Reconsolidation.

If you follow my work with The ICE Method, you know it focuses on replacing the upsets of life with a lasting calm.

The more I used ICE in my own life the more I noticed it opening and deepening my spiritual journey.

If you see your own life as a spiritual journey, this new book will resonate.

And if you recognize that your spiritual journey involves removing the blocks from troubled memories and stored upsets, The River of Life is going to provide practical tools for a better life.

See more and get the book at ICEMETHOD.COM

600 Happy Hens

Strange perhaps, but a result of following this journey of The River of Life has been a stronger engagement with farming and living from what we grow – and adding chickens to our daily life.

With a flock of 600 chickens we’re now providing to local markets here in the Chelan Valley.  Particularly satisfying is feeding all these chickens totally with food discards from grocery stores, restaurants, and breweries.  Happy Hens  – great eggs – and we’re saving the food equivalent of feeding 150 people per day!

More News Soon

I’m coming back from an extended quiet spell.  It’s been a rich time.  More on that as I get back to sharing in these newsletters. Now I’m looking forward to the conversations that arise from sharing  this new book, The River of Life.

Blessings and all the best wishes,