
If you have a helpful review of your experience with The ICE Method, or with any of the books, I invite you to share your words with others – use the form at the bottom of this page.

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The process that Lars describes is, in my opinion, the most straightforward and effective method in existence to clear emotional and physical stress. I say this after having worked in the fields of mental and physical health for almost two decades and having looked into most of the treatment methods out there. It’s very surprising that he and his work are not more well known. The methodology is so simple it could be taught to a child in about 5-10 minutes and then it just requires some commitment and persistence. This simplicity is perhaps the problem, as it would be easy to assume that such a simple method could not really work. It can and it does.  Dr. Patrick Molley - England

As a mental health counselor I am always looking for treatment plans to help my clients.  Memory Reconsolidation Applied: Calm Your Past to Live Your Future has become an extremely helpful book for me and my clients. The ICE method is easy to apply whether a client is with me or needing to experience calm on their own. This book is a must read. Amazon review - USA

The ICE method presented in The River of Life uses the process of ‘Memory Reconsolidation’ to remove emotional charges from long-term memories. For me it has been a very practical and powerful tool for reducing stress, anxiety, attachments, aversions and, in general, my reactivity to emotionally charged triggers.

Many of my negative memories and thoughts have become more neutral, so the urge to impulsively react to them has greatly diminished or even disappeared. It has been helpful in reducing a lot of stress, from minor irritations to not being bothered any longer by people or events that caused me harm in the past.

My meditation practice has also been very helpful to my general well-being; however, it is GENERAL and usually doesn’t alleviate specific items that are bothering me. Meanwhile, the ICE method can be applied and bring calm to SPECIFIC events, people or issues of my choosing.

If you’re looking to achieve more peace and calm in your emotional life this is an awesome tool. With a little practice I’ve been able to achieve profound and permanent transformations (as opposed to short-term band-aide solutions). I’m very grateful to have come across this book and learned this technique. I highly recommend it. Alexis Ratsch - Medical Student -Canada

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