Lars Clausen 0ld

How I got started helping people with fibromyalgia symptom relief.

“Do you know anything I can take for this headache?” I was standing on a dusty construction site,  in the background of this conversation between two friends.

“Let Lars tap on you,” the other one suggested.  I’d just done my first reading about EFT, watched a couple of home videos, and was starting to play around with tapping.  I’d been telling the other friend about this, but his suggestion made me instantly nervous.  Her headache was severe and I was just starting to play with tapping.  Nevertheless, the pain diminished after the first round of tapping, lessened some more with the second round, and completely disappeared after the third very basic and very quick round of tapping. Both of us felt astonished and amazed.

A couple months later another friend of mine hosted a health evening, gathering friends to hear local people share about nutrition, yoga, and by my friend’s insistence – tapping with Lars Clausen.  A man volunteered for tapping on his neck pain – turned out to be chronic since a car accident many years earlier. That spiked my nervousness right away. I didn’t have any experience in an area like this. We started tapping, and after each round his pain decreased.  After four rounds my time was up.  He had a bit of pain left when he really twisted his neck, but he felt remarkably better, including the rejuvenating look of surprise on his face.

In 2011, after much playing with tapping,  I took a week of advanced EFT training in the spring, and another advanced week in the fall.  Our teacher was Sophia Cayer (  That first week was magical, how could simple tapping have such dramatic effects?  Sophia also helped me get to some core emotional issues in my life (responsibility, rationality).  By the fall class the EFT process was comprehensible, I could follow Sophia’s methods and I felt confidence in working with others.  Still magical, but now I understood the process.

Timing couldn’t have been better – 2011 was also the year that my job helping authors wound down  (another company outsourced the work that had made my living the past six years.)  Transition was thrust in my face, and tapping was beckoning.

Transitions have been a fairly constant part of my life. After growing up in the same neighborhood in California, the longest I’ve lived anywhere until now has been 4 years.  Currently, here in Chelan, Washington, we’re on 6 years.   The brief rundown –

  • College from the Air Force Academy to UC Berkeley – Mechanical Engineering
  • Denmark – one year as a windturbine engineer – 1985
  • Bicycling across the United States (and around Taiwain) 1986
  • Seminary at Pacific Lutheran – Berkeley
  • Married to Anne in 1990! – six month tandem bicycle honeymoon from Sweden to Gibraltar
  • Pastor in Nome Alaska
  • KariAnna born! 1994
  • Kai born! 1996
  • Campus Pastor in Lansing, Michigan
  • Unicycle through all 50 states – two Guinness World Records – one still standing (2001)
  • Authored One Wheel – Many Spokes (
  • Living in community at Holden Village – 2004-2005
  • Unicycle for rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people, 1500 miles
  • Authored Straight Into Gay America (
  • Helped create American Author Websites at Cevado Technologies
  • – 2012

When people ask my mom what Lars is doing she says, “Let me check,  I’ll get back to you on that.”

Even with all the changes, transitions still scare me, that stepping out from what is known to what is not.  EFT is turning out really useful in the process – identify the anxiety, name the specifics, tap the story, check in for what comes up, repeat.

I was anxious about being skillful enough.  I was anxious about attracting enough people to work with.  I was anxious about being 50 years old and once again starting over. I was anxious about providing for my family.  Tap. Tap. Tap. Today as I write this, I’m feeling calm about my life, excited about using EFT with others.

What I love about doing EFT.

  • It happens more often than not that a person reports feeling relaxed or energized after using EFT.
  • And even more satisfying, people often report some new awareness coming from the session, something that they’d never felt or thought before. Often that awareness makes an immediate difference for their life.

What’s better than that – facilitating the awareness of something brand new in a persons life? And with EFT, because its working at a core level of a person’s life, those realizations often lead to long term stable improvements in a persons life.

I do enjoy working with all sorts of areas when using EFT.  But I am pleased to have developed this specialty of working with people who suffer from fibromyalgia symptoms.  It feels good to focused on this single area, to becoming as much of an expert as I can in the understanding of fibromyalgia, and to providing as much relief as possible using EFT.  Fibromyalgia is a perfect situation  for applying EFT –  physical symptoms, emotional roots.

To the journey of the past, the present, the future.  Whether you’re just here for a website visit, or we’re working together – I appreciate this intersection of our lives.  All the best wishes.
